Friday, September 12, 2014


saya pelik jugak sejak beberapa bulan lalu pageviews utk post "air detox" saya meningkat. saya dulu google mcm2 nk dapatkan cara buat air detox ni. so hari ni sy pon google 'air detox'

So here it is

patutla meningkat.... dh first image dan first link pon menuju ke blog sy. so sy pon pegilah balik ke post tu and tukar nama post tu ke "air detox part 1"

guess what, xd effect.

so... kalau korng goole resepi air detox, selalunya korng akn jumpa yg hanya menggunakan lemon, mint dan timun. so mana dapat resepi tambahan oren dan limau???? actually sy bc ni kat facebook. daripada shared post. and actually air detox x payah nk mash bahan2 lps masukkan dalam botol pon. tapi ntah kenapa gamba tu menunjukkan mash, so sy pon mash

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Balasan: K.A.R.M.A

Saya pernah tulis kt status fb sy

When i was a kid, he/she used to label me as "something" all the time. It hurts me so bad that i climbed a tree really high and cried alone for hours. but i believed that Allah is watching everything. time pass by, we build a better relationship and i almost forgot everything happened...
After 15 years, now, he/she called me and cried that some people call him/her just the same as he/she used to label me.

Maybe you didn't realize that it's karma and you didn't apologize. but i choose to forgive you and pray for things to get better in your life.

This is a true story. And this is how karma works…

Saya slalu pk kenapa certain2 benda terjadi kt saya sahaja. Mungkin sebab saya cepat maafkan orng. So orng pon pk saya ni nampak mcm bodoh so bolehla ambik kesempatan dengan membuat ayat kesian or merayu bagai. But one thing people fail to realize…


Saya bukan jenis yg berdendam. Sbb saya takut kalau sy balas dendam, benda tu x jadi or x setimpal dengan apa yg orng buat kat saya. Jadi saya selalu serahkan kepada dia Yang Maha Berkuasa. Cuma satu je doa saya,

When karma hits them. Please Ya Allah, let me watch… so that I know life is fair.

Tapi saya bukan berdoa mcm ni untuk semua orng. Kadang2 saya berdoa certain orang x mendapat balasan di dunia kerana saya percaya balasan di akhirat jauh lebih azab berbanding balasan di dunia.